Yihao Liu





My name is Yihao Liu. Or, 柳一豪 (pronounce: leo yee how). I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University. My research focuses on medical/surgical robotics, augmented reality and neurology.

The main theme of my work is to build reliable and robust software and robotic systems for neurologists/neuroscientists, and to explore the boundaries of automation in healthcare.

Prof. Mehran Armand from the Departments of Orthopaedic Surgery, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science, LCSR, and APL is my Ph.D. advisor. I was previously advised by Prof. Peter Kazanzides during my master's degree, and by Prof. Zheng Liu and Prof. Jian Liu during my undergraduate studies.

An about me page is available here.


3 papers accepted to ICRA2024!